Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Music That Have Changed The Face Of Music - 1375 Words

Growing up, Beethoven was a household name. Countless studies have been released claiming classical music could increase babies’ intelligence. The importance of music is vast and affects every individual in a multitude of ways. Throughout the course of history, there have been artist that have changed the face of music as we know it. Two important composers to the course of music’s history are Ludwig van Beethoven and Franz Liszt. While both composers certainly have similarities in their music, there are also multiple differences that separate them as completely different artists. Ludwig van Beethoven was born around December 16th in 1770 in the city of Bonn. His father, Johann van Beethoven was a singer and terrible alcoholic. He was locked in a cellar, flogged, and made to practice for hours upon hours. He was also beaten for any mistakes made while playing piano. Beethoven’s father hoped he would be a musical child prodigy just like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. When Beethoven turned the age of ten, he dropped out of school to pursue studying music full time. When his father’s health began to decay due to his alcoholism, Beethoven began to work in order to support his family. He worked as an Assistant Court Organist. Ludwig van Beethoven was sent to Vienna to study music further, but returned home when his mother became ill. Beethoven’s earliest piece was titled â€Å"Cantata on the Death of Emperor Joseph II† and was written after the death of Emperor Joseph II. In 1792 BeethovenShow MoreRelated2.09 Review Questions783 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is popular music? This is any music since industrialization in the mid-1800s that is in line with the tastes and preferences of the middle class. 2. What theme does pop music typically use in the lyrics? Describe one pop song that uses this theme. Why is this theme such a popular one? 3. What is disco? What are the characteristics of this music? 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