Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Looking for a Fresh New Start Essay - 1339 Words

Illegal immigration has been an ongoing issue in the political arena for the past decade with immigration laws still being discussed. To immigrate means to come into a country of which one is not a native for permanent residence. The United States is a nation founded by people who emigrated on the principle of freedom. What would our forefathers think if there could see the issues facing their nation today? There are many issues surrounding immigration policy such as national security, border patrol, deportation, lack of jobs, and lower wages. The United States needs to adopt policies to further correct the current laws for legal and illegal immigration. President Obama addressed the DREAM Act at The State of the Union last month urging†¦show more content†¦The PATRIOT Act addressed legal issues such as the expansion of criminal terrorism laws, wiretapping, banking regulations, and the sharing of information between the various governmental foreign and domestic intelligence agencies. The Act expanded the governments ability to detain and deport suspected terrorists, greatly increased the budget for immigration enforcement, and tripled the number of U.S. Border Patrol on the northern border (Hines 12). Mark Krikorian lays out three packages of policies regarding immigration enforcement and numbers a basic plan, an upgraded plan, and a premium plan. The basic package consists of two main goals with regard to illegal immigration fencing and mandating all employers use the E-Verify system. Two more goals with regard to legal immigration ending the visa lottery and eliminating brother- sister chain migration. â€Å"But even this stripped-down basic package has to include more than just hardening the border. Limiting the demand for illegals by weakening the attraction of employment is at least as important as limiting the supply by fencing† (Krikorian 36). The visa lottery was invented in 1986 as a way to grant amnesty to Irish illegal aliens and has since morphed into a program that provides green cards at random to foreigners (Krikorian 36). Kirkorian expresses concerns due to â€Å"60,000 adult siblings of U.S. citizens who are allowed to migrate to the United States each yea r simply because of theirShow MoreRelatedEssay on Osmotic Power: Hydroelectricity at Its Finest754 Words   |  4 Pages Simply mixing fresh water and salt water can create energy. This sentence is read by most and disregarded as a lie, joke, and fantasy; but to few, educated humans it is a reality that is happening right in front of us and has enormous, worldwide potential. This hidden energy that seems so simple, but has such a promising future ahead of it is referred to as osmotic energy. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Essay about BSBWRT401A Assessment 1 Full NameWorked Copy

BSBWRT401A Write complex documents Assessment 1. SECTION 1: PLAN DOCUMENTS Activity 1: Determine the purpose of documents Scenario You work for a financial planning organisation that manages thousands of client’s portfolios and accounts. Recently there have been several changes in the industry that only affects clients who have share portfolios. For some clients, the changes will have a negative effect on their investments and for other clients, this will mean that they will be receiving good news. You have been asked to write a document to all clients that asks them to attend an information session regarding the changes that will affect their share portfolio performance. 1. Describe the purpose of this document. (For example, is it†¦show more content†¦In preparing the bi-annual sales figures report, what would be the most logical way to present the data and information? It would be best to use a diagram to compare the figures quickly and easily. I would order the information in lists with the most sales at the top and the least at the bottom. To help the readers understand the report I would use pie charts for each period with the different sales segments in corresponding colours. Activity 4: Develop overview of structure and contents of documents 1. How you can develop an overview of the structure and content of the document. I would brain storm. Research relevant industry codes and practices. If I was using a team I would make an action plan to delegate different tasks to team members with a time line and dates for completion. Look at who the audience is (who is the document for ?) What is the purpose of the document? How to convey the information most effectively to the audience. 2. Why do documents need to be structured? To be more clear and easy to read. To keep interest of the reader. To present the information in a logical order. SECTION 2: DRAFT TEXT Activity 5: Review and organise available data, information and knowledge according to proposed structure and content 1. When communicating, messages must be appropriate to the needs of the audience, the subject and the

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Marketing Strategies of Ecommerce ALIBABA Company †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Introduction to Ecommerce ALIBABA Company. Answer: Introduction The paper demonstrates how ALIBABA is using ecommerce to realize its global growth especially by launching its outlet in Australia. In the paper, some of the benefits the ALIABAB has gained have been highlighted. Further, the marketing strategies of the company have been identified, and the underlying factor of the design of the website and its benefits in terms of security and service delivery has been noted. The emergence of ecommerce has brought about vigorous changes in not only ALIBABA but also to the business industry at large. Apparently, almost all the businesses strive to ensure they have incorporated integrated electronic systems in their business process with the aim of improving efficiency, effectiveness, and accuracy. Ecommerce involves the transfer of information and exchange of goods and services using electronic devices with the aid of a computer network (In Nah, F. F.-H, In Tan, C.-H. 2016).. Businesses like ALIBABA have identified ecommerce as a significant option of generating more revenues for the company by developing online stores like the because of the increased demand of online customers. Ecommerce accommodates the vertical dynamics that exist in ALIBABA because it has revolutionized how customers and companies interact with one another. You realize most companies have taken most of their services online. Like in the U.S almost 60 percent of customers now enjoy the benefit of ecommerce. The clients make online orders and the goods are delivered at the comfort of their homes. Companies like Amazon, EBay, and PayPal are amongst the many competitor companies that are offering services over the internet. Another comprehensive benefit of ecommerce in ALIBABA business expansion is that, ecommerce has boosted convenience and easiness of making online purchase. By this I mean, ecommerce has been the most preferred means of making online purchases for this company. Therefore, ALIBABA gives the client the freedom of checking on the variety of goods on the online store, then picks or order the most preferred after which he can make payment using electronic money transfer channels to complete the transaction. This has enabled the facilitation and simultaneous way of carrying out activities from the comfort of our homes. Therefore, there is convenience it terms of saving time and cost which could have been used for logistic purposes. Also, there is huge information to both the customers and the host business. Nowadays, almost all the information of the vendor is provided and readily available for all people to see. As such customers find the information they want at a glance maybe when they search for a particular product chain. Besides, the business can use the information provided in the virtual community platform to do analytics and evaluate the effectiveness of customers and sales, even the marketing campaigns, and product mix and more by using software aided programs like customer relationship management and many more. Ecommerce has contributed to the scalability of the ALIBABA whereby it is easy to meet the customer demands and adjust accordingly to access various market segments. Therefore, the business is more likely identify niches and expand their coverage market. As a matter of fact, access each client or seller physically might never happen but the inception of electronic stores has facilitated the same. Thus, customers can search for the products they want over the web and make a purchase from anywhere without any worry. Ecommerce has contributed to decreased overhead cost at the same time creating brand awareness of ALIBABA. By opting for ecommerce, ALIBABA cut down advertisement cost, lowering the number of employees, and eliminating travelling cost. Advertising is important to any company but once the business has opted for ecommerce, some cost effective channels like social media platforms, organic search engines, and pay per click can be alternatives. Reducing staff will happen as a result of automating the business process; inception of inventory and billing systems will lower the cost of salaries. Travel cost is eliminated to both the client and the seller because transactions can happen from anywhere. The ultimate advantage of all this is that, that business will utilize and maximize on profit to expand further by saving the extra coin saved by introducing ecommerce business. Basically, ALIBABA runs on business to business model and business to consumer model, and consumer to consumer model in Australia. Business to business model in the sense that, ALIBABA is involving other companies with the electronic fund transfer systems to facilitate transactions. ALIABABA has incorporated the use of credit cards, and EBay, and PayPal into their system hence facilitating the purchase of products and services from the site (Ho Ng 1994). B to B models involves two or more companies coming together with the aim of doing business together (Magretta, 2002). For instance, Lazada ALIABABA subsidiary is working with Australia Post to expand their storefront to Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore. The merger will help Australia based businesses to sell their products on those platforms of foreign market. On the other hand, a business to consumer m model is the most prevalent model that is being embraced by the company not only in Australia but also to the rest of the stores. The stores like TOABOA are meant to offers a variety of commodities on the platform. The platform has barely almost every product you may want. The model entails customers engaging to purchase the products from the platform of ALIBABA. The consumers have the freedom to obtain household items like home dcor, electronics, fashions, and utensils from the site. Another prominent business model exhibited by the company is consumer to consumer model (Teece, 2010). Since the launch of ALIBABA in Australia, the aim was to expand their market share at the same time maximizing profits. Tmall offers a platform where consumers meet other consumers and can exchange goods and services as long as the need of the two parties is met. This models is popular because a consumer can acquire a product on the same site and immediately pose as a willing seller for the same product. Undoubtedly, the product will get the buyer regardless of the time taken to resell it. Thus, ALIBABA generates revenue from the fixed user fees and sales commissions according to the company`s terms of trade. The website design and the general outlook is another contributing factor that encourages clients to use the platform. First, ALIBABA has been ranked top among the search engines in Google, therefore, customers are able to find the site immediately they search it on the web. The site is simple and easy to navigate. Products are arranged according to their chain and customers are able to get a variety of products because products of a particular chain are grouped hence easy to find substitutes. In general, the site is appealing to many and customers cannot get bored by visiting the site regularly. Speculations have been there about the strategies that ALIBABA is trying to deploy to penetrate further unto the Australian market but the strategies are not different from those used to penetrate other markets. The launching of ALIABA in Australia is something that the management has figured out and made a penetration plan. The penetration to Australia was part of the globalization strategy of ALIBABA (Glowik, 2017). ALIBABA has decided to achieve globalization in the marketplace by encouraging more companies to join their line of business, involving and developing a rapport with various governments, and supporting the existing merchants to get the nest out of the business. ALIBABA is doing the same in Australia by tapping in more Australia sellers to the platform which will expand its market share in Australia, at the same time increasing user base which will increase foreign inventory. Apart from this, ALIABA plans to introduce its cloud services and its Alipay; a payment system in the region. This strategy will help the company to realize its objective of operating internationally in the marketplace consequently meeting its global growth. Since ecommerce involves sophisticated and complex information ALIBABA has deployed a customer relationship management system. The CRM helps businesses to analyze the sales information, the customer effectiveness, and market mix by using the information offered on the site (Ngai, 2005). The information and data collected helped the ALIABABA to make quick decisions regarding the market dynamics by coming up with a strategic plan to counter issues affecting the business. Also, ALIBABA is using this system to identify and target new customers and how to manage marketing campaigns. Also, the system helps the management to check and respond to customer needs in time to ensure they listen to what the client requires. Besides, the data provide market feedback hence ALIABABA is in a position to determine the criterion to use in advertising, communication, and the technology to input. In conclusion, ALIBABA is among the many companies that for a long time have utilized the inception of electronic business and as a result they have tremendous climbed up the ladder towards achieving global growth. Ecommerce is the core contributor to the expansion of ALIBABA and its recognition in the marketplace. Effectiveness and efficiency in the business process has been achieved by the use of CRM as well us increasing the customer base in almost all parts of the world. ALIABAB taking its business online buy introducing online stores Tmall and TOABOA is the hallmark of the success of ALABABA. I would like to recommend to ALABABA to introduce a live chat system where the support team can instantly engage with the potential visitors on the website to ensure 24/7 support system hence transparency and convenience would be dealt with. References Glowik,M. 2017.Global Strategy in the Service Industries: Dynamics, Analysis, Growth. Milton: Taylor and Francis. Ho, S. S., Ng, V. T. 1994. Customers' risk perceptions of electronic payment systems.International Journal of Bank Marketing,12(8), 26-38. In Nah, F. F.-H, In Tan, C.-H. (2016).HCI in Business, Government, and Organizations: eCommerce and Innovation: Third International Conference, HCIBGO 2016, Held as Part of HCI International 2016, Toronto, Canada, July 17-22, 2016, Proceedings, Part I. Magretta, J., 2002. Why business models matter. Ngai, E.W., 2005. Customer relationship management research (1992-2002) An academic literature review and classification.Marketing intelligence planning,23(6), pp.582-605. Sixtus, T. (1999).U.S. Patent No. 5,903,721. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Teece, D.J., 2010. Business models, business strategy and innovation.Long range planning,43(2), pp.172-194.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Lab Report Electrical Conductivity free essay sample

Lab Report Electrical Conductivity Introduction There are some substances that are capable of conducting electricity, and the reason they conduct electricity is because of the type of compound the substance is. Electrolytes or any ionic compound conduct electricity and nonelectrolytes do not conduct electricity. An Ionic compound is formed from the electrical attraction between anions and cations, typically a metal with a non-metal, except hydrogen. When an ionic compound forms, the anion transfers an electron to the cation which creates an electrostatic bond and an electrically neutral compound. Also, they readily dissolve in aqueous solutions and are good conductors of heat and electricity. We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report Electrical Conductivity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Further, ionic compounds can be classified as either strong conductors or weak conductors. In contrast, molecular compounds are formed from non-metals. Molecular compounds share electrons between atoms forming a covalent bond. In general, molecular compounds do not dissolve readily in solution and are poor conductors of heat and electricity. They are classified as non-electrolyte compounds. The reason of why electrolytes or ionic compounds are supposed to conduct electricity is because of the charge of the molecule, ionic compounds can have either a really positive or a really negative charge. This charge in the molecule makes it easier to electrons to move from molecule to molecule; therefore an electric current is generated. On the other hand, covalent compounds, either polar or non-polar, are not capable of conducting electricity. This is because they have more balanced charges and it is harder for electrons to move from one particle to another one. Also one has to take into account that when dealing with mixtures, if it contains one ionic compound and a covalent compound, its conductivity will be affected by the covalent compound and it probably won’t transmit an electric current. In this experiment, six different substances will be used in order to etermine their electrical conductivity. Objectives To know, determine and prove which substances are capable to conduct electricity and which substances can’t conduct electricity and if any of these six following substances can conduct electricity by submerging two copper wires connected to a battery that powers up a light bulb when electric current is present and the copper wire conduct it. Also being able to explain at the end the cause of w hy some substances were not capable to transmit an electric current while other substances could. Material †¢ 9V battery †¢ 3 copper wires †¢ 1 small light bulb †¢ 7up †¢ Physiological serum (Electrolytes) †¢ Gatorade †¢ Sucrose 1% †¢ NaCl 10% †¢ KCl 5% †¢ 2 screws Method 1. Connect the copper wires to the battery and the light bulb, (first wire) one end goes to the battery and the other end is left aside, (second wire) one end goes to the battery and the other goes to the light bulb, (third wire) one end goes to a metal part next to the light bulb and the other end is left aside. Then we put the screws on the ends that were left aside. 2. Gather the ends of the system to check if it works 3. Submerge the ends in the solutions of KCl, NaCl and Sucrose (one by one) 4. After trying with one solution, wash the endings in the glassed label as â€Å"water† and dry it with a napkin. 5. Change the solution, check the conductivity and repeat step 4. 6. After trying with KCl, NaCl and Sucrose, repeat step 4 but with Gatorade, 7up and the serum. Results SOLUTION |TYPE OF BOND |ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY | |*KCl 5% |IONIC |WEAK | | | |(Electrolyte) | |*NaCl 10% |IONIC |WEAK | | | |(Electrolyte | |Sucrose |COVALENT |NONE | | | |(Non electrolyte) | |7up |COVALENT |NONE | | |(Non elecrolyte) | |Serum(electrolytes) |COVALENT |NONE | | | |(Non elecrolyte) | |Gatorade |COVALENT |NONE | | | |(Non elecrolyte) | *Sodium Chloride (NaCl) and Potassium Chloride presented formation of bubbles. Discussion/Conclusion â€Å"This practice was about knowing about which substances con duct electricity (electrolytes) and which ones don’t (non electrolytes) as well as knowing what happened with the substances that conducted electricity and with the ones that didn’t. Just two substances conducted electricity (NaCl and KCl) this happened because when they are dissolved in water the atoms that make up these substances come apart from each other and they start floating around individually, this permits the freely movement of ions. In contrast sucrose didn’t conduct electricity because it breaks up but in a different way; it breaks up into the individual molecules that make it up but these molecules don’t break up in the individual atoms, they stay as molecules and start floating. One of the strangest thing was that serum didn’t conduct electricity even though it contains electrolytes. It might be because one of the substances that it includes is sucrose which is a type of sugar. † -Melissa Munoz UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE NUEVO LEON CENTRO DE INVESTIGACION Y DESARROLLO DE EDUCACION BILINGUE

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Week One Textbook Problems Essays - Business Economics, Economy

Week One Textbook Problems Essays - Business Economics, Economy Week One Textbook Problems Megan O'Brien ACC/400 06/02/2015 Neil Fischer BE16.9 - Star Repairs Co. does all the repair work for a medium-sized manufacturer of handheld computer games. The games are sent directly to Star, and after the games are repaired, Star bills the game manufacturer for cost plus a 20 percent markup. In the month of February, purchases of parts (replacement parts) by Star amounted to $97,000, the beginning inventory of parts was $38,500, and the ending inventory of parts was $15,250. Payments to repair technicians during the month of February totaled $52,500. Overhead incurred was $121,000. a. What was the cost of materials used for repair work during the month of February? 38,500+97,000-15,250= 120,250 b. What was the prime cost for February? 120,250+52,500=172,759 c. What was the conversion cost for February? 52,500+121,000=173,500 d. What was the total repair cost for February? 120,250+52,500+121,000=293,750 E16.1 - Listed below are eight technical accounting terms introduced or emphasized in this chapter: Accounting Terminology Work in Process Inventory Cost of finished goods manufactured Conversion costs Cost of Goods Sold Period costs Management accounting Product costs Manufacturing overhead Each of the following statements may (or may not) describe one of these technical terms. For each statement, indicate the accounting term described, or answer "None" if the statement does not correctly describe any of the terms. a. The preparation and use of accounting information designed to assist managers in planning and controlling the operations of a business. Management accounting b. All manufacturing costs other than direct materials used and direct labor. Manufacturing overhead c. Direct materials and direct labor used in manufacturing a product. None - Prime costs d. A manufacturing cost that can be traced conveniently and directly to manufactured units of product. none - direct manufacturing cost e. The account debited at the time that the Manufacturing Overhead account is credited. Work in process f. The amount transferred from the Work in Process Inventory account to the Finished Goods Inventory account. Inventory cost finished goods manufactured g. Costs that are debited directly to expense accounts when the costs are incurred. Period costs 3. E16.2 -Into which of the three elements of manufacturing cost would each of the following be classified? a. Tubing used in manufacturing bicycles. Direct materials b. Wages paid by an automobile manufacturer to employees who test-drive completed automobiles. Direct labor c. Property taxes on machinery. Manufacturing overhead d. Gold bullion used by a jewelry manufacturer. Direct materials e. Wages of assembly-line workers who package frozen food. Direct labor f. Salary of plant superintendent. Manufacturing overhead g. Electricity used in factory operations. Manufacturing overhead h. Salary of a nurse in a factory first-aid station. Direct Labor 4. E16.3 - Indicate whether each of the following should be considered a product cost or a period cost. If you identify the item as a product cost, also indicate whether it is a direct or an indirect cost. For example, the answer to item 0 is "indirect product cost." Begin with item a. 0. Property taxes on factory building. Period cost a. Cost of disposal of hazardous waste materials to a chemical plant. Product cost - indirect b. Amounts paid by a mobile home manufacturer to a subcontractor who installs plumbing in each mobile home. Product cost - direct c. Depreciation on sales showroom fixtures. Period cost d. Salaries of security guards in an administrative office building. Product cost - direct e. Salaries of factory security guards. Product cost - direct f. Salaries of office workers in the credit department. Product Cost - indirect g. Depreciation on the raw materials warehouse. Period Cost h. Income taxes on a profitable manufacturing company. Period Cost 5. E16.6 - The Ryde and Rowe Inc. had the following account balances as of January 1: Flow of Costs through Manufacturing Accounts LO16-3 through LO16-5 Direct Materials Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 89,200 Work in Process Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178,400 Finished Goods Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Friday, November 22, 2019

Learn the History of Bas-Relief Sculpture

Learn the History of Bas-Relief Sculpture A French term from the Italian basso-relievo (low relief), bas-relief (pronounced bah ree ·leef)  is a sculpture technique in which figures and/or other design elements are just barely more prominent than the (overall flat) background. Bas-relief is only one form of relief sculpture; figures created in high relief appear to be more than halfway raised from their background. Intaglio is another form of relief sculpture in which the sculpture is actually carved into material such as clay or stone. History of Bas-Relief Bas-relief is a technique as old as humankinds artistic explorations and is closely related to high relief. Some of the earliest known bas-reliefs are on the walls of caves. Petroglyphs  were treated with color, as well, which helped to accentuate  the  reliefs. Later, bas-reliefs were added to the surfaces of stone buildings constructed by ancient Egyptians and Assyrians. Relief sculptures can also be found in ancient Greek and Roman sculpture; a famous example is the Parthenon frieze featuring relief sculptures of Poseidon, Apollo, and Artemis. Major works of bas-relief were created around the world; important examples include the temple at Angkor Wat in Thailand, the Elgin Marbles, and images of the elephant, horse, bull, and lion at the Lion Capital of Asoka in India. During the Middle Ages, relief sculpture was popular in churches, with some of the most remarkable examples decorating Romanesque churches in Europe. By the time of the Renaissance, artists were experimenting with combining high and low relief. By sculpting foreground figures in high relief and backgrounds in bas-relief, artists like Donatello were able to suggest perspective. Desiderio da Settignano and Mino da Fiesole executed bas-reliefs in materials such as terracotta and marble, while Michaelangelo created higher-relief works in stone. During the 19th century, bas-relief sculpture was used to create dramatic works such as the sculpture on the Parisian Arc de Triomphe. Later, in the 20th century, reliefs were created by abstract artists. American relief sculptors drew inspiration from Italian works. During the first half of the 19th century, Americans began creating relief works on federal government buildings. Perhaps the best known American bas-relief sculptor was Erastus Dow Palmer, from Albany, New York.   Palmer had been trained as a cameo-cutter, and later created a great many relief sculptures of people and landscapes.   How Bas-Relief Is Created Bas-relief is created either by carving away material (wood, stone, ivory, jade, etc.) or adding material to the top of an otherwise smooth surface (say, strips of clay to stone).   As an example, in the photo, you can see one of Lorenzo Ghibertis (Italian, 1378-1455) panels from the East Doors (commonly known as the Gates of Paradise, thanks to a quote attributed to Michelangelo) of the Baptistery of San Giovanni. Florence, Italy. To create the bas-relief Creation of Adam and Eve, ca. 1435, Ghiberti first carved his design on a thick sheet of wax. He then fitted this with a covering of wet plaster that, once it had dried and the original wax had been melted out, made a fireproof mold into which liquid alloy was poured to recreate his bas-relief sculpture in bronze.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Introduction to Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Introduction to Business Law - Essay Example On the death of a sole trader the business ceases. Thus if the sole trading option is taken then the investment of 20,000 can be apportioned in accordance with his own judgment and due to his achievement as a good student he can manage the business according to his own ways. The assets would also be owned by him; however, the responsibility of debts and obligations would be without any limit. (Taylor 2009). As far as a partnership is concerned, it is where individuals are in a business and share the assets and liabilities of the partnership, this can be done orally as well. The legislation that governs a partnership is that of Partnership Act 1890. One of the main disadvantage of partnership is that there is unlimited liability of the debts of partnership jointly and severally which could lead to bankruptcy of partners if there is inability of payment of debts. Furthermore there can be failure to issue debentures or floating charges. Contribution to capital would therefore be from partners. The procedure is that when a partner leaves, the remaining partners would buyout his share. When compared with a company there would be lesser formality (memorandum and articles; written agreement; roles of director), expense (registration) and publicity (publicly available accounts). Thus if partnership is used opinions on decision making can be obtained from other partners (there can be sleeping p artners as well); assets ownership can be shared or individually owned; net profits can be shared; debts and obligations can be shared, however failure may result in him being personally accountable to the other partner’s share. As far as a limited company is concerned the main advantage is that the liability is limited to the extent of the unpaid amount of the shares of each shareholder. Thus the shareholders and directors are protected to the extent that they were acting honestly. Furthermore, a company has

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Role of Nursing in Healthcare Delivery Coursework

Role of Nursing in Healthcare Delivery - Coursework Example Therefore we can say that in this modern century the role of nursing managers has somewhat change now. In addition to the direct clinical and medical care, the nurses are involved in many other aspects of the health care industry. The additional duties may also include quality management and improvement, case management, data collection and analysis, insurance review analysis, patient educations and sometimes the regular training programs to train the rest of the medical staff (Cipriano, 2010). All of these additional tasks are included in the roles, duties or we can say responsibilities of a nurse manager. In modern times, the nurses are also named as the health providers and the health researchers. At higher level of nursing managers, the duties and the responsibilities of a nurse may change from others. A nurse manger may have to supervise all the staff and the hospital just to coordinate their activities. The budgeting activity may also fall on the shoulders of a nurse manger so that he or she can manage the allocated budget according to the proper planning. The hospital may get famous by the level of its services and the care, which they give to their patients; therefore, it is the role of the nurse manager to maintain the high quality or the standard of the health care services (Donovan, 2010). Nurses play an important or we must say a central role in the cost containment, quality and safety provision to the patients. Working at any level the role of nurse is to observe the current and emerging trends so that she or he can make innovation in their services and thus improve the quality of their health care provisions. The aim of the nurses and especially the nursing managers is to achieve the shared and mutual goals of efficiency and effectiveness in the practice (Tiffin, 2012). Tiffin, C. (2012), ‘Beyond the Bed Side: The Changing Roles of Nurses Today’, Huffington Post, Retrieved on July 22, 2014 from

Sunday, November 17, 2019

To My Best Friend Essay Example for Free

To My Best Friend Essay I just wanted to tell you that I am so glad that we became friends. I do have friends that I could tell anything and not be judged but you are different; you are an exception. You are my sister, maybe not by blood but definitely by destiny. You love me for me, and I love you for you, no bargaining or explanations needed. Thank you for always being close to me even when we are in separate schools and separate stages of life. I know we don’t have the same interests most of the time and maybe we don’t hang out as much anymore. You hang out with your friends I hang out with my friends but thank you for not letting us be awkward and distant by facts like distance or time or interest. Thank you for never giving up on our friendship, for never shrugging and being like â€Å"Things change, people change† and suddenly drifting away. We can go days, weeks, months, even a year without talking to each other are still able to be close. When we do finally see each other again, it’s as if we’ve just seen each other the day before. We all get distant to a certain degree when we make huge transitions but you didn’t let me get very far because you knew what was truly important. You never got mad when I didn’t contact you for weeks because I was too busy being someone’s girlfriend, but you were right there to pick up my heart-splinters when things probably shatter. Thank you for believing in me when I was too weak and exhausted to believe in myself. Thank you for not judging me when I did something really stupid, but also thanks for telling me I was an idiot and probably shouldn’t have done the stupid thing. Thank you for always being honest. Thank you for believing me when everyone was against me. I don’t have to state what that problem was I know you know. Thank you for judging me at first but also thanks for finally believing in me when things were clear. Thank you for not letting that incident shatter our friendship. Thank you for loving me even though most were not there for me. Let others say what they want to say. You can never please everybody; you just have to prove them wrong by being you. Let your revenge be your sweetest smile and don’t drop to their level to prove your worth. Just bear in mind that we, especially your mom and dad, will always accept you for who you are. You don’t have to put on a mask for us to appreciate you. We know you are special and how important you are. Always remember, I will always love you no matter what happens. Whatever your family background is, what your past love lives were, no matter who you are and what you become, I’ll always be your sister. I will never leave you, AV Barrios. Thanks for all the great memories, long talks, and laughs. Thanks for being there through my ups and downs. Thanks for being the best friend a girl could have. Thanks for being true, and thanks for being YOU. You are truly the best friend I have ever had.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

What Could We Learn From Sir G :: essays research papers

What Could We Learn From Sir Gawain?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I think we could learn a lot many things from Sir Gawain. Sir Gawain is someone that I think everyone can relate to in some way. He was placed under many tests and performed admirable in all but one of them. It is that last test that made him seem 'human'; to me. I think in order to learn from someone you have to try to 'walk a mile in his or her shoes.'; I will describe, in detail, the parts of the story in which Sir Gawain excelled and why we should try to learn from him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first thing I thing we could learn from Sir Gawain is to always be ready to step up to a challenge. In Part 1 of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Gawain challenges the Green Knight. Gawain is the only Knight to accept the challenge for the King and does so without reservation. He easily beheaded the 'magical'; man as stated in the following lines: 'Gawain grips to his ax and gathers it aloft--/ The left foot on the floor before him he set--/ Brought it down deftly upon the bare neck,/ That the shock of the sharp blow shivered the bones/ And cut the flesh cleanly and clove it in twain,/ That the blade of bright steel bit into the ground./ The head was hewn off and fell to the floor;/ Many found it at their feet as forth it rolled;/ (Unknown, Part I, 421-427). He didn't know the Green Knight was magical and probably thought it would be an easy task. After all, he was a Knight in the great King Authur's court. For this I think Gawain shows strength, bravery, and loyalty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The next thing we could learn from Sir Gawain is demonstrated on his trip to the Green Chapel: 'Many a cliff must he climb in the country wild; /Far off from all his friends, forlorn he must ride; / At each strand or stream where the stalwart passed/'Twere a marvel if he met not some monstrous foe, /And that so fierce and forbidding that fight he must./ (Unknown, Part II, 713-717). Gawain left his home during horrible chill of winter on a journey to meet a 'man'; who had survived being beheaded. His must have felt lonely, scared, and lost away from all that he is so very familiar with.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Scientific Evidence Which Lead to the Fluid Mosaic Model

The scientific evidence which lead to the fluid mosaic model 19th Century: The earliest models were very simple, as they suggested that lipid soluble substances entered cells faster than water soluble substances; scientists in those days had also figured out that the layers of lipid were layers of fat. However, the downfall of the evidence provided was that scientists back in the day were not able to provide information, as to how a lipid layer could remain stable in contact with the water surrounding the cell in its environment, since lipids are repelled by water. 0th century: Due to chemical analysis of isolated membranes, it was discovered that the membrane is largely made up of phospholipids and cholesterol. Digging deeper, it was revealed that phospholipids were amphiphilic: one head, which was soluble in water, and two tails, which would face inwards towards each other. This added to the bilayer remaining stable. 1934: A new model was proposed by Davson-Danielli, since the new model suggested both sides of the bilayer to be coated with water-soluble proteins.Therefore, through extensive chemical analysis, it was revealed that there was a lot of protein in the membranes. Even though membranes were thought to be more permeable to lipids than water, the membrane was able to absorb water faster than a pure phospholipid layer. 1970: Davson-Danielli’s model and theory was still accepted, since micrographs showed that membranes had a three-layered-structure.Before the fluid-mosaic model: Due to advances in chemistry and biology, Davson-Danielli didn’t seem to explain coherently how such fluidity could occur without tearing or breaking bonds. Due to new chemical methods, it was stated that the proteins of membranes were highly variable in both quantity and type. Sixty five years later: The fluid mosaic model was invented, which described the agreement of many scientists’ view on the cell membrane.

Saturday, November 9, 2019


Unitizing is very important in learning of mathematics. It is a mental operation that helps to understand and solve complex mathematical problems by separating classifying the values involved into units. Unitizing is grouping of a known number used in representing quantities. It is useful in understanding the value as well as developing counting strategies (Wright, Leeson & Geake, 2002). In addition, unitizing is very useful in understanding and developing the meaning of division as well as multiplication of both natural numbers and fractions. Unitizing is used in quite many settings in mathematical objects. These settings include geometry, algebra, measurements, number and operations and in data analysis and probability. In geometry, unitizing is very important in visualizing changes, in addition or multiplication and in developing the ability to reason, predict and represent knowledge appropriately. Unitizing is also very useful in algebra, where it is applied in both structural and procedural algebra. Procedural algebra is how to solve a problem where numerical values to solve algebraic equations are assigned, for instance; Find x if y=7 in 3Ãâ€"2-4y=20 Here, 3Ãâ€"2-4(7) =20 3Ãâ€"2 –28 = 20 3Ãâ€"2 = 48 x2 = 48/3 = 16 x = 4 Unitizing here can be applied in for instance giving the value of x, which can be given as 2Ãâ€"2 or 2+2. In this case ‘2’ is unitizing. Structural algebra involves use of letters to manipulate algebraic expressions. In number and operations, unitizing facilitates the understanding numbers and representing them. It is also useful in understanding fractions, for instance 1/2 can be written as 1?2 or 1x ? Unitizing is very useful in understanding multiplication and division of natural numbers as well as fractions. For instance, 2 x 4=8, can better be understood through learning many ways of approaching the problem. It can also be written as 2 x (2) (2) = (2) (4) Or as 2 x (2) (2) = (2) (2) (2). Unitizing 2 simplifies the understanding of the problem. More complex values can also be used such as: 4 x 16=64 this can be better understood by unitizing 4 such that the problem is represented as: 4x (4) (4) = (4) (4) (4) Developing understanding of division is also very much facilitated by the knowledge of unitizing. For instance, in determining the number of 8’s that are in 400, division should be performed as follows; 400/8 = 50, here 8 is unitizing To get to understand this better, simpler figures than 400 should be used but still the value of the numbers should be restored. This can only be acquired through unitizing and it can be as follows, 800/2 ? 8 2 can be unitizing such that 240/2 ?(2) (2) (2) and this simplifies the problem. Section 2 Unitizing is very important since it simplifies mathematical operations and facilitates understanding of the operations. It is important since it helps in development of deep and relevant reasoning especially when the unitizing value is being determined. Unitizing is so important since it facilitates the understanding of mathematical objects such as number and operations, especially in fractions, ratios and proportions. Unitizing helps in performing mathematical operations task with a lot of flexibility and confidence. Students should always be encouraged to practice unitizing in all their mathematical activities. Failure for the students to unitize leads to operating with too complex values and hence difficulties arise in trying to solve the problems. Operating with large numbers like for example multiplying 125 and 216 is quite hectic but if unitizing is applied, the operation becomes very easy and speed in generating the answer is increased. Section 3 Students frequently use unitizing especially in addition problems using the procedure of whole number, for instance, 8 + 14 = 22 Can also be approached through unitizing such that: 8 + (7+ 7) = 22 nitizing by using 7 can be practiced by the students. Students are also using unitizing in understanding part-whole concepts. For instance, students have used unitizing to be able to arrive at answers concerning fractions like, ? + ?. This can written as ? + ? . ? whereby unitizing is done by ? However, unitizing may not be done on some operations for instance those that originate from mathematical objects like measurement (Anghileri, & Julia 2001). This is a key concept in maths especially for the appreciation of invariance of length and angle measure. Students should not unitize in measuring angles since the size of the angle does not change. Similarly, the length measure does not change unless the size of what is being measured changes students also are unable to use unitizing in probability and data analysis especially when the problems are on formulation of questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize and display relevant data to answer them. Section 4 Students should be posed with a lot of contexts and opportunities as well as representations that will facilitate their unitizing. Many geometrical as well as algebraic problems should be provided to the students and they should be framed in such a way that unitizing is encouraged. Problems that require comparisons and representations by variables as well as these that require practice of conceptual understanding such as addition and multiplication of fractions should be given to the students. This improves the students ability for unitizing, something that facilitates their solving strategies. Representations should be encouraged among students since it is through this that they will be able to organize, record and also communicate mathematical ideas. Conclusion Unitizing is a very important mental function that is highly applicable in mathematics. It improves efficiency in solving mathematical problems. It helps students to develop a deeper meaning and understanding of mathematical operations such as multiplication, addition and division. It also enables students to develop diverse and applicable counting strategies as well as conceptual understanding. Therefore. Unitizing should highly be encouraged among the students for better performance in their solving of problems.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Fiscal and Physical Planning of Vocational Essay Essays

Fiscal and Physical Planning of Vocational Essay Essays Fiscal and Physical Planning of Vocational Essay Essay Fiscal and Physical Planning of Vocational Essay Essay Introduction Education by and large is planned to develop the people in a society. In kernel proper stairss should be taken in the planning procedure. Nuhu ( 2007 ) sees vocational and proficient instruction as that instruction. concerned with the acquisition of practical and applied accomplishments. every bit good as basic scientific cognition. It is merely hence a planned programme of theory and practical acquisition experiences that will vouch acquisition of basic academic and life accomplishments. accomplishment of high academic criterions. leading and readying for industry-defined work. In any organisation. be aftering competency is required in puting ends. developing schemes and sketching revenue enhancement agendas to ease achievement of such ends. Planning is the procedure of forming the activities required to accomplish a coveted end. It is fundamentally concerned with the organisation of work forces. money and stuffs ( 3M ) . which are one of the major maps of the top direction. for without effectual planning. a waste of clip and resources is possible. It is besides necessary to observe hence. that information is the key to planning and the demand for equal and timely information can non be over emphatic. : One of the major doctrines of instruction in Nigeria is based on the integrating of the person into a sound and effectual citizen. this and most of the national educational purposes and aims can merely be achieved through a properly planned vocational and proficient instruction. Planning of vocational and proficient instruction is fundamentally to heighten human self-respect and enthrone work and labour by doing persons get and develop adequate salable and employable accomplishments. competences. attitudes every bit good as cognition to enable them derive and keep basic employment or autonomy for a comfy life. The Nigerian dream of constructing a truly classless society can merely be achieved through the effectual usage of vocational and proficient instruction because it offers life-long instruction to all types of scholars and enable them recognize and develop their self-potentials maximally. In be aftering vocational and proficient instruction. we decide in progress. what to be done. when. where. how and by whom it is to be done. It besides entails working out before manus. how to accomplish or carry through the aims of vocational and proficient instruction. stated in the National policy on instruction ( 2004 ) . Which includes: 1. Supplying trained work force in applied scientific disciplines. engineering and concern. 2. Supplying the proficient cognition and vocational accomplishments necessary for agricultural. commercial and economic development. 3. Giving preparation and leaving necessary accomplishments to individual who shall be self reliant economically. 4. Supplying maximal options for scholars to progress or ramify out into paid employment. 5. Making instruction concrete and apprehensible while general instruction should indicate out the vocational deduction of all educational experiences. 6. Supplying pre-vocational orientation to pupils into the universe of work. 7. Developing attitudes. basic educative accomplishments and wonts appropriate for work. 8. Satisfying the demands of the society that is technology-oriented and the demands of adult male for liberalising experience in his educational growing and similar projects. 9. Supplying professionals who can use scientific cognition to the betterment and solution of environmental jobs for the usage and convenience of adult male. 10. To give an debut to professional surveies in other technological field. 11. Enabling our immature work forces and adult females to hold intelligent apprehension of the increasing complexness of engineering. And in pursuit of these set ends and aims of vocational and proficient instruction. the chief characteristics of the curricular shall be structured in both theory and practical acquisition experiences. The course of study shall dwell of five constituents. which are: 1. General instruction 2. Theory and related classs 3. Workshop pattern 4. Industrial developing 5. Small concern direction For effectual engagement of pupils in practical work. the teacher-student ratio shall be kept at 1:20. and trainees finishing vocational and proficient instruction programmes shall hold this three options and more: a. To procure employment B. To put up their ain concern c. Pursue farther instruction Without finance. the above aims can non be achieve. hence financial planning is the life wire of vocational and proficient instruction Fiscal planning of vocational and proficient instruction It refers to the most appropriate manner to entree fundss ( money ) and find the best class of action to take ( budgeting ) for future benefits. Fiscal planning of vocational and proficient instruction means make up ones minding in progress. how financess will be sourced and allocated to each of the countries in vocational and proficient instruction. This is a major map of the authorities. budget commission on instruction and educational decision makers. It goes farther to replies such inquiries such as: 1. What are the beginnings of funding VTE? 2. How much fund is available? 3. Which countries should fund be allocated? 4. Why will such financess be allocated? What are the beginnings of funding VTE? VTE merely like general instruction have specific beginnings of support which include: 1. Government allotment 2. Internally generated gross ( IGR ) 3. Education trust/tax fund. 4. International assistance from universe bank and developed states 5. Non-governmental bureaus ( NGO ) and more. How much fund is available? While the allotment to instruction tops those of other sectors in Nigeria’s 2013 budget proposal presented to the joint session of the National Assembly on the 10th of October 2012 by President Jonathan. the sum is still far below the criterion set by the United Nations Educational. Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ) . The proposed allotment of N426 billion to the sector takes merely 8. 7percent of the proposed entire national budget of N4. 9 trillion. whereas the United Nations Educational. Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ) . really recommended for allotment of 26percent to the sector which is really critical to national development ( Education ) and VTE being really capital intensive requires more support. So the inquiry of how much fund is available will depend on how rich is the state in focal point. and how much is allocated to instruction sector in general. Which countries should fund be allocated? This may hold to cover with a simple analysis of human and material resources that will be needed to run the assorted VTE programmes such as concern instruction. proficient instruction. agric and place economic sciences instruction. Why will such financess be allocated? Fundss should be made available to run VTE so as to accomplish the aforesaid ends and in the long tally achieve the national aims of Nigeria and they include the edifice of: 1. A free and democratic society. 2. A merely and classless society. 3. A united. strong and self reliant state. 4. A great and dynamic economic system. 5. A land of bright and full chances for all citizens. Physical planning of VTE Physical planning entails the organisation of land and substructure usage. while stressing the demand for supplying a balanced economic development and conserving resources. There is a relationship between the financial and physical planning of VTE. as there can be no human and material presence without a good fiscal budget. The physical planning of VTE relates to set down and material facets in the planning procedure. and forming human and material resources for effectual operations of career and proficient instruction. This program involves the followers: 1. A topographical study on bing VTE schools. 2. Fixing architectural designs and drawings 3. Guaranting supervising of building and rehabilitation work. 4. Provision of preventative care installations. 5. Planing research lab for VTE workshop for practical acquisition. 6. Guaranting proper airing in schoolrooms and workshop. 7. Provision of appropriate office and category room furniture. 8. Guaranting handiness of capable professionals in the assorted VTE programmes. Budgeting techniques in be aftering VTE Budgetary procedures constitute the primary mechanism for planning and commanding educational activities. Budgets have been defined in assorted ways by directors and school decision makers because organisations are ever working by supervising the flow of money in order to achieve its set ends and aims. Knezevich ( 1975 ) defined budgeting as a fiscal or quantitative statement that has been prepared and approved prior to a defined period of clip. This statement includes policy to be pursued during the period for the attainment of aims However. it is pertinent to province that instruction budget is a fiscal bluish print for the operation of the educational sector for the financial twelvemonth. Types of budgeting 1. Line – Item Budgeting- : This is the traditional technique of budgeting which lists points on a strictly object footing. It is besides referred to as object – of – outgo budget. This type of budgeting classifies outgo on the footing of articles or points purchased. It refers to the grouping of outgo into classs such as administrative staff wages. academic staff wages. supplies and stuffs. fixs and care and so on. 2. Performance Budget- : It is an betterment on traditional budgeting because it emphasis the usage of brief accounts to back up each point of outgo. In this type of budget. one does non budget for money but one budget for the aim to be achieved. Furthermore. Calden and Wildaryshy ( 1974 ) remarked that public presentation budgeting allow minutess to be identified by general intent in order to separate between outgos which contribute tp development and those which do non. 3. Functional budgeting- : This technique of budgeting merely explains the budget harmonizing to the caput which it is expected to run into. Ebhomien ( 1984 ) stated that the demerit of this type of budgeting includes the fact that aims of such budgets are non ever clearly stated because they are normally loosely defined. This signifier of budgeting does non give room for full answerability as it makes it hard for person to cognize how every small spot of the fund allocated is spent. Caffarella Model of Programmme Planning Cafferalla Program Planning Model Caffarella listed 12 stairss to be considered in programme planning. The 12 stairss are: Discerning the context Building a solid base of support Identifying programme thoughts. Sorting and prioritising programme thoughts Developing programme aims Designing instructional programs Devising transfer-of-learning programs Formulating rating programs Making recommendations and pass oning consequences Selecting formats. agendas and staff demands Preparing budgets and selling programs Coordinating installations and on-site events Caffarella presents the theoretical account as a circle where all 12 stairss point toward the centre circle. called the Interactive Model of Programme Planning. bespeaking that the procedure is non-sequential. The plan contriver can get down the procedure at any one of the 12 stairss. and does non necessitate to work around the circle but instead each measure is a reminder of of import undertakings to be completed during the procedure. How financial and physical planning has contributed to the growing of VTE 1. There is improved consciousness and credence of vocational and proficient instruction. 2. It has provided a footing for timely determination devising. 3. There is more intercession in the country of substructure. For illustration. the new VTE workshop in our school. ( UNIBEN ) 4. It has promoted more effectual and efficient use of available resources. 5. It has ensured continuity of vocational and proficient instruction in our assorted establishments. Factors to see before be aftering vocational and proficient instruction Initial appraisal of bing VTE system: It will be necessary to first measure the bing VTE system capacity. including support degrees and budget use. strengths. failings and lacks before shiping on a large-scale system reform or enlargement scheme. There is therefore the demand to carry on specific baseline surveies that besides explore the bing links with the other degrees of instruction and national labour policies. Linkage with other sectors of the national economic system: There should be specification in clears footings between VTE and other sectors of the national economic system in order to efficaciously associate the VTE scheme to other national schemes and policies in the country of instruction and preparation. employment. and socio-economic development. Linkage with regional and international policies: How does the national VTE scheme dovetail into bing regional and international instruction and preparation policy models and protocols? National VTE schemes should take into history the instruction and preparation protocols of regional groupings like The Economic Community Of West African States ( ECOWAS ) . Southern African Development Community ( SADC ) . and The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa ( COMESA ) and besides other acknowledged international bureaus involved in instruction and accomplishments developing. such as the United Nations Educational. Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ) . American Dental Education Association ( ADEA ) and The International Labor Organization ( ILO ) . Linkage with the universe of work: Since the ultimate aim of VTE is employability and employment publicity. it is necessary to associate preparation to the demands of the labour market. VTE must be relevant and demand-driven. instead than supply-driven and a stand-alone activity. In order to make this. information is required on the existent employability of VTE alumnuss. available occupation chances. and the germinating accomplishments demands on the labour forepart. Determining the demand for accomplishments is best achieved through state specific Labor Market Information Systems ( LMIS ) and other study instruments. Instructor preparation and professionalisation of VTE staff: The professional competency of vocational and proficient instruction instructors is important to the successful execution of any VTE scheme. Governments should hence do witting attempts. non merely to develop but besides to retain instructors in the plan. REFERENCES Adaralegbe. A. ( 2001 ) . A Doctrine of Nigerian Education. Ibadan: Heinemann. Ahubaka. I. ( 1996 ) . The Role of Science and Technology in National Development. Caffarella. R. S. ( 2001 ) . Planing plans for grownup scholars: A practical usher for pedagogues. trainers. and staff developers ( 2 ed. ) . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Inc Ekpenyong. L. E. ( 1992 ) . â€Å"Business Teacher Education in Nigeria Prospects and Challenges for the twenty-first Century. Ekpenyong. L. E. A ; Nwabuisi. J. N. ( 2001 ) . Curriculum and Human Resource Development issues in Business Education. Ekpenyong. L. E. ( 2005 ) . Foundations of Technical and Vocational Education. Benin City: Supreme Ideal Publishers Int. Ltd. Evans. R. ( 1982 ) . Why Vocational Education belong in the Comprehensive High Education. Journal of American Vocational Association. 57 ( 6 ) . Federal Republic of Nigeria ( 2004 ) . â€Å"National Policy on Education† ( 4th Ed ) Yaba. NERDC imperativeness. Ile. C. M. . Asoegwu. M. N. N. A ; Chukwugbo. G. C. ( 2005 ) . â€Å"Essentials of Vocational Education and Technical Education for beginners† . Awka: Marpat Educational Research and Publishers. Miller J. V. and Vetter L. ( 1996 ) . â€Å"Vocational Guidance for Equal Access and Opportunity for Girls and Women in Technical and Vocational Education† . Paris. UNESCO. Ogwo. B. A and Oranu. R. N. ( 2006 ) . â€Å"Methodology in Formal and Non Formal Technical/Vocational Education† . Enugu: Ijejas Printers A ; Publishers Company. Olairan. S. 0. ( 1990 ) . Vocational and Technical Education: Issues and Analysis. Onitsha: Nobel Graphic Press. Osuala. E. C. ( 1995 ) . Functions of Vocational Education. Nsukka: Falladu Printing Company. World Wide Web. africa-union. org/strategy-to-revitalize-technical-and-vocational-education-and-training-in-africa World Wide Web. businessdayonline. com/NG/index. php/component/content/article/366-business-shool/46337-2013-budget-educations-allocation-still-far-below-unescos-stipulat.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Particle De in Japanese

Particle De in Japanese Particles are probably one of the most difficult and confusing aspects of Japanese sentences. A particle (joshi) is a word that shows the relationship of a word, a phrase, or a clause to the rest of the sentence. Some particles have English equivalents. Others have functions similar to English prepositions, but since they always follow the word or words they mark, they are post-positions. There are also particles that have a peculiar usage which is not found in English. Most particles are multi-functional. The Particle De Place of Action It indicates the place where an action takes place. It translates into in, at, on, and so on.   Depaato de kutsu o katta. I bought shoes at the department store. Umi de oyoida. I swam in the ocean. Means It indicates means, method, or instruments. It translates into by, with, in by means of, etc.  Ã‚   Basu de gakkou ni ikimasu. I go to school by bus. Nihongo de hanashite kudasai. Please speak in Japanese. Totalizing It is placed after a quantity, time or amount of money, and indicates an extent.  Ã‚  Ã‚   San-nin de kore o tsukutta. Three of us made this. Zenbu de sen-en desu. They cost 1,000 yen altogether. Scope It translates into in, among, within, etc.   Kore wa sekai de ichiban ookii desu. This is the biggest in the world. Nihon de doko ni ikitai desu ka. Where do you want to go in Japan? Time Limit   It indicates time consumed for a certain action or occurrence. It translates into in, within, etc.   Ichijikan de ikemasu. We can get there in an hour. Isshuukan de dekimasu. I can do it in a week. Material It indicates the composition of an object.   Toufu wa daizu de tsukurimasu. Tofu is made from soybeans. Kore wa nendo de tsukutta hachi desu. This is a bowl made of clay. Required Cost   It translates into for, at, etc.  Ã‚   Kono hon o juu-doru de katta. I bought this book for ten dollars. Kore wa ikura de okuremasu ka. How much would it cost to send this? Cause It indicates a casual reason or motive for an action or occurrence. It translates into due to, because of, owing to, etc.   Kaze de gakkou o yasunda. I was absent from school due to a cold. Fuchuui de kaidan kara ochita. I fell down the stairs due to carelessness.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Marketing principles and applications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Marketing principles and applications - Essay Example In fact, a consumer can use the appliance even without reading the instructions leaflet. In opposition with other appliances of the same characteristics the particular coffee maker offers to the consumer the impression of being involved in a unique experience: a series of color icons, showing cups of coffee of different size, helps the user to decide the type of coffee preferred. Then, icons showing spoons full of sugar and coffee help the user to decide on the amount of coffee and sugar that should be used for the type of coffee chosen. Finally, an icon with cup of milk is used for showing to the user his potential to choose a cup of coffee with milk. Particular emphasis has been also given to the components of the appliance. High quality materials have been used ensuring that the flavor of the coffee is strong. In the context of the issues discussed above, the appliance chosen fully supports the firm’s mission statement, which focuses on quality, convenience and innovation, as described in the introduction section. 2.   Classify Company G’s products using the three-way consumer product classification system. The three-way Consumer Product Classification system is based on the following rule: products can be classified in three categories according to specific characteristics. Reference is made particularly to ‘convenience, shopping and specialty goods’ (Boone & Kurtz, 2012, p.352). The particular system is quite helpful for the development of effective marketing strategies (Boone & Kurtz, 2012, p.352). However, the system is also related to an important weakness: consumer preferences worldwide are not standardized (Ferrell & Hartline, 2010). In fact, differences can be identified in consumer trends even within the same market and in regard to the same product. For example, the performance of a product can be changed within the same market under the impact of severe turbulences in the global market (Ferrell & Hartline, 2010). In ge neral convenience products are those that are highly popular, at least more than shopping products which are not necessarily incorporated in consumers’ daily shopping (Boone & Kurtz, 2012). Moreover, specialty goods are goods of specific characteristics and, usually, of high price (Boone & Kurtz, 2012). Using the above classification system Company G’s products could be classified by referring to three categories: convenience, shopping and specialty goods. It should be noted that the Table refers only to the firm’s small appliances and not to all its products. The consumer factors involved in the classification process are presented in the first column. In the three other columns the relevance of the firm’s products to each product category is analyzed. A rounded rectangle is used for showing the product category to which the firm’s products are nearer; the blue color indicates a high relevance, the green color is used for showing an average releva nce while the red color shows the lack of any relevance. Consumer factor (Boone & Kurtz, 2012, p.352) Convenience products Shopping products Specialty products Time spent on identifying the firm’s products The firm’s products cannot be chosen instantly Thought is required before buying the firm’s products The decision-making process in regard to the purchase of the firm’s products may takes a lot of time Location of the firm’s products The firm’s products are not available in all retail stores The firm’

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Astrological Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Astrological - Essay Example They are also good story tellers. I think that I am imaginative in a positive way. I am very much interested in riding a horse. Whenever I am free, I look forward to taking a horse ride because it gives me immense pleasure. I enjoy riding a horse because I had always imagined riding a horse from my early childhood. I don’t know it was cartoons or films but I am interested in horse riding from childhood. During horse riding I love to see beautiful sites. This has always been my dream and it has something to do with my astrological sign. Another good example that explains my imaginative power is that I like to try new things very often. I quickly get bore of doing the same thing. For example, I often rearrange of my room after every other month even if it only involves shifting my bed from one side to another. I have different posters set up on my bedroom walls and I keep on changing them as well. I try to make my room look different using my different posters and art work. I of ten am the one who persuade my friends to try out new and different things. Going out to same places very often is boring to me. I keep on planning different picnics and other activities with friends just to keep the spice in my life. For me, different is always better. Another interest of mine is to read short stories. I love to read short stories as they give me great pleasure. I also keep on thinking about writing a short story and think about different topics. These are some of the examples of my imaginative power. The second personality trait of my personality is cleverness. I think I am a clever person because I can pick new things very quickly. I am a fast learner as I quickly apply things that I see around me. I learned how to ride a horse with any major help. Also I prefer going through a website and reading about different things instead of relying on other people. I am also clever in a good way

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands Assignment

Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands - Assignment Example It was authored by Mary Seacole, a Jamaican-born who became famous because of the work she was doing as a nurse during the Crimean (Seacole 15). The book has received universal acclaim as one of the most comprehensible and fulfilling autobiographies of the 19th Century. This is attributed to the fact that the book revolves around a culturally sanctioned and self-reliant feminine. Mrs. Seacole fashioned her own identity despite the fact that other people assigned her other identities. This paper shall seek to address how she thought of herself in relation to the world, as well as how other people viewed her. It will also examine the ways in which Mary Seacole demarcated herself in terms of her imperial and national identities. In the book, Mary Seacole has depicted herself as a self-willed woman who cannot be brought down due to her race and economic status. In as much as she was a Creole, a half-cast between a Scottish father and a Jamaican mother, she was determined to go extra mile s and help people. She has managed to construct her racial image to the readers carefully, as well as those whom she came in contact with during her journeys. She makes minimal reference to her skin color except when people around her point it out. She lives her life normally without making her skin color an issue; while those living around her have an issue with her color. This is best demonstrated when she boarded a ship from Navy Bay to Jamaica with several Americans on board (Seacole 90).

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Information Technology On Nursing Practices Health And Social Care Essay

Information Technology On Nursing Practices Health And Social Care Essay Methodology -Survey based instrument was used to gather the responses from the nurses working in leading hospitals having more 300 beds in Tiruchirappalli district. 70 respondents participated in this survey. Findings Chi-square test revealed that demographic characteristics of nurses and usage of information technology are independent The results of factor analysis demonstrated that softwares, data bases, file tranfer and input devices are significant in explaining confidence level among nurses and factors like computer access, perception about information technology, connectivity, and shortage of computers are significant in creating barriers in usage of information technolgy. The extent to which nurses access and use information technology and the purposes for which nurses use information technolgy are also highlighted. Limitations- This study is limited to only hospitals and the results. The results may not be applicable to other business organizations. Keywords Information Technology, Nursing, Hospital INTRODUCTION The impact of information technology on nursing has been a subject of discourse and dissertation for the latter half of the 20 (th) centuries and the early part of the 21(st). That this burgeoning technology has impacted the way nurses nurse can be without doubt. Whether this technology has and will have a negative or positive outcome on nursing practice is where the debate centres. This study was undertaken with an objective of analysing the debate that surrounds the issues of the impact of Information Technology (IT) on nursing practice. The study is also intended mainly to findout the extent and use of information technology on nursing practices. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Toofany, Swaleh (2006) examined the attitude of nurses to the use of information technology (IT) in health care in Great Britain. A system is being developed by the Department of Health that will allow nurses to retrieve the health records of patients from core computer storage. A nurse does not consider themselves as having central roles in IT management. Many commentators believe that technophobia among nurses continues despite the increasing need for them to employ IT in health care Porter-OGrady, Tim (1999) had undertaken a study on Technology Demands Quick-change Nursing Roles. The study mainly focused on how nursing managers must face the emerging technological changes in health care and what is the impact of technology on nursing care and role of the manager in relation to the changes. Simpson, Roy L (2006) in their study, focused on the significance of information technology (IT) to nursing. It is said that a new way of practicing evidence-based nursing will rely on IT. The mindset about the importance of IT is said to be the most challenging hindrance to IT ubiquity. The elements that are necessary to IT ubiquity in nursing are products, learning, access and need. Rollins, Gina (2007) reported on the growing number of nurses in the U.S. who are leaving hospitals to enter the clinical informatics field as electronic health records proliferate. A recent survey by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society found the top three job responsibilities for nurse informatics include systems implementation, systems development and liaison or communicator. Simpson, Roy L.(2002) in their study on The virtual reality revolution: technology changes nursing education discussed the benefits of virtual technology for the improvement of nursing education. The author also focussed on background on limited opportunities for nursing students to practice their skills; Advantages of using virtual reality technologies in improving the clinical skills of nursing students are also highlighted. Information on several nursing simulation tools were also presented in this study. Simpson, Roy L (2007) presents an analysis of how increasing the number of informatics-trained nurses can help in the continual growth of demand for nurses in the U.S. A paradigm of the supply-side economics was provided to compare the positive effect of stimulating supply than demand. The healthcare industry has reached the world of information technology (IT) so that nurses should then learn the language that it speaks, which is informatics. The author contends that the amount of effort, time and money can be saved if informatics-trained nurses are indeed pursued as a focus of development in the industry. Wallis, Alison (2007) in his study on Clinical data standards and nursing describes the benefits of information and communications technology programmes, often referred to as electronic health (e-health), to nurses in Great Britain. Among its contributions to patient care include its ability to offer ways of sharing patient information and the access it provides clinical data for benchmarking and audit. The benefits of data standards accrue to nurses at all levels, whether they work in direct patient care, in unit management or at health board level. Brommeyer, Mark (2005) explains the concept of e-health healthcare technology. The authoer also highlighted the advantages of adopting e-health; Information and communication technologies being used in most hospitals are also studied and Implications of using the technology are clearly furnished in his study. Hudson, Kathleen (2007), in his study Innovations in cardiac nursing and technology deals with several areas in which emerging technologies in cardiac nursing are most promising. The three options that exist for heart failure patients include destination therapy, bridge to transplant and bridge to recovery. A cost-effective risk predictor is the Electrocardiogram T-wave analysis using microvolt T-wave alternans. Cardiac performance can be reliably assessed by non-invasive ambulatory impedance cardiography. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The present study is undertaken to find out the following. To identify the extent to which nurse have access to and use information technology and information management systems. To identify the purposes for which nurses use information techonolgy and information mangement systems. To find the association between the demographic profile and the work related activities with using computer To identify the variables and their grouping into factors that influence level of confidence in the use of the following systems like input devices, software packages, data storages, and file transfer. To understand the barriers that prevents nurses from benefitng from information technology and information management system. 3.1 The Sampling Design A private hospital was chosen for conducting this study. The study has taken into account the various aspects of information technology and its impact on nursing practices. A sample of 70 nurses has been chosen from the populaton of 147 nurses working in same hospital using simple random sampling method. The tabulated description of demographic details of sample is presented in Table 1. Table 1. Frequency Distribution of sample demographics Variables Number Frequency (%) 1 Gender Female 70 100 2 Age Below 30 55 79 30-40 15 21 3 Designation Staff Nurse 42 60 ANM 25 36 Surgical technician 2 3 Anesthesia technician 1 1 4 Shift timing Continuous shift worker 54 77 Day shift worker 7 10 Evening shift worker 4 6 Night shift worker 1 1 Morning and Evening shift worker 3 4 Evening and night shift worker 1 1 5 Qualifications Diploma 46 66 UG 12 17 PG 2 3 Other 10 14 6 Department General ward 43 61 Annexe ward 7 10 Operation Theatre 7 10 Dialysis Unit 4 6 ICU 9 13 3.2 Data Collection The data was collected from the nurses of the selected hospital through a questionaire which has 11 parts, namely; Demographic characteristics and background of IT Access and Use of computers Use of Information Technology Access to Internet and Intranet Knowledge of current Health I.T initiatives Job requirement for I.T Training and Education about Information technology Barriers to use of computers Technical support Management attitudes and support Security 3.3 Measurement Scale The questionaire consisted of a series of statements, where the nurses were requested to provide answers in the form of agreement or disagreement and good or poor and rarely or frequently and confident or not confident to express their perceptions towards information technology. A Likert scale was used. DATA ANALYSIS 4.1 Chi Square Analysis 4.1.1 Chi- Square Test of Significance (Age and Work related activities at Home computer) H0: There is no significant relation between age and Work related activities at Home computer. H1: There is significant relation between age and Work related activities at Home computer. 4.1.2 Chi- Square Test of Significance (Designation and Work related activities at Home computer) H0: There is no significant relation between designation and Work related activities at Home computer. H1: There is significant relation between designation and Work related activities at Home computer. 4.1.3 Chi- Square Test of Significance (Shift timings and Work related activities at Home computer) H0: There is no significant relation between shift timings and Work related activities at Home computer. H1: There is significant relation between shift timings and Work related activities at Home computer. 4.1.4 Chi- Square Test of Significance (Qualifications and Work related activities at Home computer) H0: There is no significant relation between qualifications and Work related activities at Home computer. H1: There is significant relation between qualifications and Work related activities at Home computer. 4.1.5 Chi- Square Test of Significance (Department and Work related activities at Home computer) H0: There is no significant relation between department and Work related activities at Home computer. H1: There is significant relation between department and Work related activities at Home computer. The values of chi-square statistics obtained from chi-squre distribution table for all 5 combinations are 14.07, 32.67, 49.80, 32.67 and 41.337 in that order and the calculated chi-square statistics values are 12.853, 25.408, 36.97, 26.34 and 34.14 in that order which lies in the acceptance region. Thus, the null hypothesis can not be rejected .So, it can be concluded that demomograhpic characteristcs of nurses are independent with regard to work related activities at home computer on the basis of statistical evidence at 5 % level of significance. Results of chi-square are presented in Table 3. Table 3: Results of Chi-squre Analysis Variables Chi-square statistic 1 Age and Work related activities at Home computer. 12.853 2 Designation and Work related activities at Home computer. 25.408 3 Shift timings and Work related activities at Home computer. 36.97 4 Qualifications and Work related activities at Home computer. 26.34 5 Department and Work related activities at Home computer. 34.14 4.2 Factor Analysis 4.2.1 Key dimension: Level of confidence in using computers Data validity for factor analysis was calculated using KMO Measure of sampling adequacy. The minimum acceptable level is 0.5. Since calculated Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (0.859 ) is greater than 0.5, so it is appropriate to do factor analysis. Hence Bartletts test of sphericity value is 1144.756, it is also a kind of chi-square and it is significant. The results of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and Bartletts test of sphericity are shown in table 5. Table 5: KMO and Bartletts Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .859 BartlettsTestof Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 1144.756 Df 153.000 Sig. .000 Table 6: Total Variance Explained Component Initial Eigen values Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % 1 9.288 51.599 51.599 9.288 51.599 51.599 2 1.926 10.698 62.298 1.926 10.698 62.298 3 1.468 8.154 70.452 1.468 8.154 70.452 4 1.254 6.965 77.416 1.254 6.965 77.416 5 .869 4.830 82.246 6 .728 4.044 86.290 7 .476 2.642 88.933 8 .353 1.960 90.893 9 .334 1.853 92.746 10 .264 1.465 94.211 11 .237 1.319 95.530 12 .225 1.250 96.780 13 .148 .820 97.600 14 .140 .778 98.379 15 .107 .596 98.975 16 .087 .481 99.455 17 .055 .308 99.763 18 .043 .237 100.000 The Principal Component Analysis was used for extraction method. The Table 6 reveals that 4 factors have been extracted out of 18 variables that exceed the Eigen value of one. The variables less than the Eigen value of one are not considered during extraction method. Table 7: Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Total % of Variance Cumulative % 6.626 36.812 36.812 2.707 15.038 51.850 2.660 14.777 66.627 1.942 10.790 77.416 The Table 7 shows that Factor 1, factor 2, factor 3 and factor 4 explain a variation of 36.812%, 15.038%, 14.777%, 10.790% respectively and together show the variance of 77.416%. Table 8: Rotated Component Matrix Component 1 2 3 4 Apple Mac OS .888 .125 .204 .106 SPSS .853 .212 .245 -.014 Reference tools .836 .199 .291 -.072 Spreadsheet .811 .219 .152 .065 Evidence based practice resources .810 .116 .399 -.020 Data projector .773 .226 .271 -.056 USB .766 .113 .446 .030 Presentation .684 .376 -.042 .272 Touchscreeen .645 .282 .131 .212 Wi ndows OS .590 .232 .150 .355 Email .294 .868 .223 -.018 Intranet .149 .842 .267 .030 Internet .497 .741 .052 -.112 Data base .195 .260 .882 .085 Cd/DVD ROM .399 .338 .754 .079 Word processing .352 .039 .700 .157 Keyboard .048 .045 .067 .920 Mouse .066 -.108 .118 .880 Table 9: Naming of Factors Factor 1 Software Packages Factor 2 File Transfer Factor 3 Data Storage Factor 4 Input devices Apple Mac OS Email Data base Keyboard SPSS Intranet CD/DVD ROM Mouse Reference tools Internet Word processing Spreadsheet Evidence based practice resources Data projector USB Presentation Touchscreeen Windows OS It is infered that factor 1 consists of ten variables of which Apple Mac OS , SPSS and Reference tools are found to be significant with a variation of 36.812%. Factor 2 consists of three variables of which email and intrant are significant with a variation of 15.038%. Factor 3 consists of three a variable of which database is significant with a variation of 14.777%. Factor 4 consists of two variables of which key board is significant with a variation of 10.790 %. Based on the results of factor loading (table 8), the factors are named which is given in table 9. 4.2.2 Key Dimension: Barriers to access of computers Data validity for factor analysis was calculated using KMO Measure of sampling adequacy. The minimum acceptable level is 0.5. Since calculated Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (0.685) is greater than 0.5, so it is appropriate to do factor analysis. Hence Bartletts test of sphericity value is 592.529, it is also a kind of chi-square and it is significant. The results of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and Bartletts test of sphericity are shown in table 10. Table 10: KMO and Bartletts Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .685 Bartletts Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 592.529 Df 153.000 Sig. .000 Table 11: Total Variance Explained Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % 1 6.105 33.916 33.916 6.105 33.916 33.916 2 1.759 9.774 43.689 1.759 9.774 43.689 3 1.581 8.785 52.475 1.581 8.785 52.475 4 1.517 8.430 60.905 1.517 8.430 60.905 5 1.150 6.390 67.294 1.150 6.390 67.294 6 .982 5.455 72.750 7 .828 4.599 77.348 8 .736 4.092 81.440 9 .642 3.568 85.008 10 .528 2.931 87.939 11 .458 2.544 90.482 12 .403 2.241 92.723 13 .327 1.815 94.538 14 .284 1.579 96.117 15 .246 1.365 97.482 16 .208 1.157 98.640 17 .158 .876 99.516 18 .087 .484 100.000 Table 11 reveals that 5 factors have been extracted out of 18 variables that exceed the Eigen value of one.The variables less than the Eigen value of one are not considered during extraction method. Table 12: Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Total % of Variance Cumulative % 3.715 20.641 20.641 3.282 18.235 38.876 2.084 11.578 50.454 1.822 10.121 60.575 1.210 6.720 67.294 The table 12 shows that factor 1, factor 2, factor 3 and factor 4 explain a variation of 20.641%, 18.235%, 11.578%, 10.121% and 6.720% respectively and together show the variance of 67.274%. Table 13: Rotated Component Matrix Component 1 2 3 4 5 Too many work demands .727 .023 .177 .150 .310 Confidence in use .726 .305 -.077 .074 -.285 IT knowledge .712 .086 -.087 .053 .063 Response time of computer .678 .191 .359 -.014 .141 Working in computer does not fit my work demand .675 .091 .491 .082 .137 Lack of IT support .622 .471 .019 .086 -.053 Attitudes of IT Department .368 .802 .051 .118 -.106 Discouragement by others .059 .758 .065 .102 .054 Patient and others are resentful of me at the computer -.074 .692 -.131 .030 .361 Concerns about health and safety .274 .678 .232 .016 -.088 Lack of encouragement by mgmt .380 .537 .267 .080 .267 Age -.057 -.049 .852 .040 .088 Senior staff take priority .322 .511 .600 .068 -.054 Not having Interest in using computer .466 .248 .530 .029 -.020 Location of computer I use .242 -.096 -.195 .813 .235 Unreliable connections -.136 .268 .316 .787 .091 Log on is too long .230 .212 .082 .670 -.465 Not enough computers .182 .139 .097 .092 .687 Factor 1 Computer Access Factor 2 Perception Factor 3 Usage of Computer Factor 4 Connectivity Factor 5 Not having enough computers Too many work demands Attitudes of IT Department Age Location of computer I use Not enough computers Confidence in use Discouragement by others Senior staff take priority Unreliable connections IT knowledge Patient and others are resentful of me at the computer Not having Interest in using computer Log on is too long Response time of computer Concerns about health and safety Working in computer does not fit my work demand Lack of encouragement by mgmt Lack of IT support Table 14: Naming of Factors It is also infered that Factor 1 consists of six variables of which variables like too much demand of work and confidence in used are found to be significant with a variation of 20.641%. Factor 2 consists of five variables of which variable namely Attitudes of IT deparment is significant with a variation of 18.235 %. Factor 3 consists of three variables of which variable namely age is significant with a variation of 11.578%. Factor 4 consists of three variables of which location of computers is significant with a variation of 10.121%. Factor 5 consists of one variable of which not enough computers is significant with a variation of 6.720 %. Based on the results of factor loading (Table 13), the factors are named which is given in table 14. CONCLUSIONS The conclusions derived in empirical analysis are summaried below. Most of the nurses are aware of Information Technology Practices prevailing in their workplace. There is a common consensus that Information Technology reduces the errors in handling the Patient/client data. Nurses use information technology for the purposes like professonal development, clinical care, patient care, administration, research and communication. Regarding the extent of access, majority of nurses disagree that they avoid using computers at their work. They have also realized the importance of using computers in their work. It is also found that use of information technology enables nurses in reducing errors in patient data and also helps in reducing duplication. There is also common agreemnt on the fact that Information technolgy made their job easier. Since the nurses are able to realize the importance of Information technolgy for their employer, they prefer that training on Information technology has to be provided to them by face-to-face. Many nurses didnt have their personal email id at their workplace and they are not financialy rewarded for the usage of Information technology. There is a lack of confidence in using of systems like Patient/client monitoring ,Diagnostic result access ,Financial management,Staff Management,Delivery and On-line professional journals etc., The demographic characteristics of nurses have a significant impact on the work related activities at their home. Factors like software packages, file transfer, data storage and input devices are significant in explaining the confidence level of nurses regarding the usage of computers. Factors like computer access, perception about Information technology, usage of computers, connectively, shortages of computers are significant in explaining the barriers to access of computers. Based on the findings, few suggestions have been made by researcher which is summarized below: This study should be made every year to evaluate the new practices that can bring in changes in the hospital. The hospital administrators should provide rewarding system for Using of IT in work. The hospitals should also try to remove the barriers for improving the computer access among nurses. The nurses may also be permitted to access the Internet and Intranet in their work place. The management should provide them the training on the basis of the knowledge of current health initiatives It is concluded that the latest development in the IT greatly influences the day today activities of the nurses. So the Hospital Management should take necessary steps to take initiatives for the nurses to access the technology. LIMITATIONS AND FUTHER RESEARCH The results obtained in this study could be subject to some limitations as mentioned below: The study is limited to a particlar hospital in a district. Since it is a service sector it was found to be difficult in meeting the respondents. The findings are based on the responses of 70 moderate sample sizes of nurses. Some avenues for further research are as follows: A further study may be undertaken on factors that influences Information technolgy adoption among nurses and The impact of information technolgy on patient safety A study regarding how information management addressess the nursing issues may also be focussed.